Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit

Through western medicine and eastern healing

Welcome! I'm Katie

I’m a registered nurse by trade, but have been benefiting from and healing with energy work for over a decade. I started training in energy work so that I could better assist others in their healing journeys. I currently use both Accunect and Reiki in my energy work practice. From a western medicine perspective, I’m well trained in anatomy and physiology, and combined with my training in eastern healing modalities, I get to see them come together and work for better balance overall on all levels: Body, Mind, and Spirit.





Accunect is an energy healing modality based in traditional Chinese medicine, neuroscience, Quantum physics, and tapping techniques that help bring the body, mind, and spirit back into balance. Using the Accunect Health Map, I use intuition and muscle testing to find what areas within you that are ready to be balanced. Bringing awareness to these areas, I use tapping techniques to shift that energy to come back into better balance and tap into your body’s own innate healing abilities.



Reiki is a Japanese energy healing modality that works with energy fields in and around the body to promote the healthy flow of Ki (Japanese for energy or spirit). Reiki uses gentle touch and hand placements to help restore physical and emotional balance by promoting the healthy flow of Ki throughout the body. Reiki is used to ease anxiety and stress, and promotes relaxation and healing of both physical and emotional imbalances.